Our Vision

At CrossFit Iron Society, we believe community is built when you sweat together. That's what CrossFit Iron Society co-owners Darryn Larkin-Terzo (CFL2), Leya Moore (CFL2),Claudia Samayoa (CFL2) and Steve Seiferling (CFL2) fell in love with when we first started CrossFit so many years ago. It's what brought us together first as friends, and later as business partners to open CrossFit Iron Society in 2017.

We know what has helped us to succeed in our fitness goals - and that has been putting in hard work while having fun training with friends. It's not a tag line. For us, it’s always been about our fellow athletes and coaches we have surrounded ourselves with, and our attitude.  Our goal is to foster a gym community based on just that.

We know CrossFit has the ability to change lives. That's why it's important to us that we keep our overhead low so we are accessible to everyday people- all while providing our members with high-quality coaching and programming, a wide variety of high-end equipment, and a close-knit and supportive community.  It is also important to us that we are convenient for our members with 24-hour access. 

At CrossFit Iron Society, you have everything you need to reach your fitness goals - and we hope you will have a lot of fun while achieving them with us.


CrossFit Iron Society's owners and coaches are all long-time CrossFit athletes and experienced coaches. Our team of coaches includes Colleen MacKay (CFL2), Anne-Marie Young (CFL1), Nikki Williams (CFL2) Lindsay Surtees (CFL1), Jessica Nieckarz (CFL1), Addie Weber (CFL1), Wade Bjerland (CFL1), Jocelyn Mish (CFL1), Kelly Davidson (CFL1) and Sabrina Markewich (CFL1).